Our Story

  • 2006 / 2009

    We have started our R&D project with the target to find a cheap and transparent alternative to glass for the food packaging: high oxygen barrier and heat resistance were the requested variables.

  • 2009

    first product on the market: 1kg vase for Formec/Biffi group.

  • 2010

    first productin of a squeezable bottle (customer: Consorzio Casalasco / Kraft)

  • 2011

    first production of single serving portion jar for fruit mustard (customer: Luigi Lazzaris & Figlio s.r.l.)

  • 2012

    first production of milk/dairy products: a yogurt packaging created with two-stage technology.

  • 2013

    Thanks to the success of our first join project, Kraft has also entrusted us with the production of the well-known ketchup bottle Mato Mato.

  • 2014

    Reinforcing two-stage production for milk/dairy sector with production of bottles for fresh milk (different customers)

  • 2015

    first License Agreement contract to bring SocoJars® technology outside Europe: signed agreement with Ozler Plastik Group to cover Turkey, Malta, Azerbaijan and Nord Iraq.

  • 2016

    Boschetti Alimentare (part of the French group Valade) decided to switch from glass to SocoJars® for both  their ottagonal vase and the one-seater vessel.

  • 2017

    Tonitto Gelati launches its high-quality sorbet with a jar designed to enhance the high quality of their product.

  • 2018

    Start two-stage technology production.

    Valdoglio is the first client in syrup business.

  • 2019

    First ice cream jar 100% made with RPET (recycled PET) produced in EU for Remeo

  • 2020

    Socopet massively enters the world of vinegar bottles

  • 2020

    Socopet patents the SAF (TM) technology

  • 2021

    Socopet realize the first bottle for balsamic vinegar glaze realized with the two-stage technology

  • 2021

    2. Socopet realizes a massive shift of old and new customers, towards the use of RPET (recycled material for direct food contact): the result is that in 2021 more than 60% of production is made with at least a percentage of RPET inside